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July 2022 Product Review Algorithm Update

On July 27, 2022, Google changed the way its system works for product review.

This is the fourth change to an algorithm that is meant to improve product reviews.

Google told the world about it on Twitter.

This update to the program, which came out on July 27, 2022, will be fully put into place in two to three weeks.

As of right now, there are no rules about how the product review system will change in July 2022.

This algorithm update is an expansion of Google's product review algorithm, which was first released in March 2021. It is expected to give more weight to websites that post reviews of products based on in-depth studies than to those that just repeat the information from the manufacturer's website.

Does this mean that it affects all sites? No

Since this is not a core update, not all sites can use it.

Also, customer reviews on e-commerce sites are not covered by this rule because they are not thought to be full reviews.

Only sites that post long reviews of products are harmed.

So, if your website's search rank changes soon, it's probably because of the July 2022 update to the product review system.

Google's changes to product reviews show that the company cares most about reviews that help users.

The search engine likes reviews that are based on real events rather than reviews that are made up.

You can show Google that you meet its standards by talking about the pros, cons, and features of the products you review and comparing them to other similar products.

Include pictures of the products you review as well.

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